Monday, April 26, 2010

HW 49

my personal conurbation in the film make was little to none i was just in the back yelling because the "teacher" replied to a student with a smart comment that made him seem dumb. other than that i did nothing, that was nothing i was not the only student yelling i was apart of crowd number one. but none the less the film was good and would of been good wether i was there or not.
the tone was not like the tone of the movies that we had seen in class, it was a bet more sad and down. this teacher has problem and he is thinking about the past were it seems that his life is better that what it is at this point in time. not all to sure what the message is but it has a negative tone to it. the flash back is more happy but when we return to real time he is back in his depressed mood where he is drunk and he is trying to put down the kinds where he seems to have given up.
this film was different from the films we seen in class, the once in class the teacher was always the savior at some point or another but in the class film the teacher is clearly the one that needs to be saved. the teacher gets drunk in class then shits on his students but the movies the teachers find ways to get passed what the student say or call them to try to help them find a better life in the end. in my class film no one seems to be better than when they started, actually the teacher seems worst off now.
salvation in education is all to real i know i've bee in SOF for seven years and all these years there have been teacher that have made it there job to make sure that i am on top of my work. you may think thats their job but as much as the teachers do with out me asking is something that a savior would do. if our culture the teachers seem to want to be something other than the savior. they go through different stages like in elementary school teacher are a lot like friends or big brothers and sisters. but go to middle school and they are not brothers or sisters but still a little like distant friend, your not as close but i learn something new every time u talk. then from there they are like teachers trying 2 prep you for the next step. but to say as a whole teachers are savior i would have to disagree.

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