Monday, May 10, 2010


Extroverted (E) 69.7% Introverted (I) 30.3%

Intuitive (N) 61.54% Sensing (S) 38.46%

Feeling (F) 65.63% Thinking (T) 34.38%

Perceiving (P) 64.52% Judging (J) 35.48%63% Thinking (T) 3 

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.


this rates me on my action, the things that would enforce the ideas in my head. i do feel that i act on feelings more than thought but in an over all general perspective i dont see my self as a journalist type. i dont feel that the test covers enough do determine that. for example journalist care about the word and how it effects them and other people, to tell the truth i dont care about much outside of my life. if it effects my or ones i know about then i would care. i just feel that journalist would care about things more then i do. thats just how i would see a journalist but i do see my self as in a life that is exciting and dramatic at times. but i dont see my self as someone who can tell what people or motivated but bases on there action. or even if i was 2 watch then i would not be able to tell why people do what they do in their lives. this is not me this test does not capture who i am in my opinion.